Side bending while sitting on a chair can help to bring length and space to our side bodies, as well as to stretch and open our necks, shoulders, back muscles and spines.
Forward Folding while sitting on a chair not only benefits the physical body, but it also brings ease and calm to the emotional body.
How's your low back? If you have any pain or strain in the low back or lumbar spine you have come to the right place.
Interested in a delicious deep stretch to the upper body? Let’s open the heart with puppy pose!
Legs up the wall or vipariti karani has so many benefits for the body it’s sometimes hard to believe how much this one posture can do.
Today the podcast examines holiday stress and over indulgence, reminding everyone to breathe and digest.
Parsvotanasana is a standing forward fold which challenges the hips and the hamstrings as well as our balance.
Wall stretch, sometimes referred to as wall push, is where we use a wall to assist in our yoga practice. An energizing pose that stretches the back of the legs and shoulders amongst other areas, this pose can be done …
Moving on to explore a different warrior in the warrior family, we will look at Warrior 2 which encourages strength, flexibility and hip opening.
Warrior 1, on a physical level improves flexibility, balance and strength; on an emotional level it can help you power through a challenging time.
When we explore the lunge in yoga, we find a pose that not only strengthens the body but also helps to improve our flexibility as well.
Is mountain pose just standing or is there much more to it?
Twists in yoga are like a shower and deep cleanse for the internal body - a glorious internal rinse.
Boat pose is a core strengthener, and let me be clear because we are talking about the core in the context of the yoga world: I don’t mean the core in terms of our souls…I mean the physical core - …
Examining a relaxing heart opener, a pose that opens the heart, helps to bring heat and energy to the body and gives both the physical and emotional body a nice needed boost!
Today we will explore the world of tight necks and maybe even shoulders - can anyone relate? or maybe I should put it this way - can everyone relate??
Examining forward bending childs pose gives us an opportunity to find freedom into our hips, shoulders and backs!
Touching your toes is not a ‘thing’ in yoga; instead lets explore yoga’s variation of how to stretch and open the hamstrings
Examining and exploring what a downward dog is and what it can bring into our lives.
We will explore opening and undulating the spine using the two postures cat and cow.
Today we will explore the hips, and why they tend to be so tight in so many of us!
Your journey continues as we discuss and venture into a yoga sequence to open the hamstrings, groin and hip abductor muscles.
Our Journey into yoga begins by exploring and experiencing shavasana and what this closing pose has to offer to both the body and the mind.
Come on a journey…into yoga, where we explore and demystify yoga and its many postures. Beginning with a clear and concise explanation of the pose du jour, the show then guides you through a different posture each week. If you …