Pigeon pose - to me this pose is one that I love to hate. I know this may seem like an odd statement, but this pose is a deep hip opener and if you have tight hips it’s very illuminating.
The shoulders….aaaahhhh…a part of the body that is often very tight in many of us. Many of our postural habits on a daily basis can create tension, tightness and even pain in the shoulder and neck area (yes these areas …
Revolved triangle pose - aaahhh, sometimes when I just hear this posture as the next one coming up in class I feel a slight twinge, knowing that this posture is one that I find quite challenging
Uppavista Konasana or wide angle seated forward bend, is in the family of seated yoga poses and also includes a forward folding element to it.
Breaking down a supported and unsupported version of Bridge Pose
This is a powerful pose, and as I have mentioned with other similar standing poses, it can bring power and strength into not only the body but also the mind.
I often tell my students if you want to get an idea of what is going on in your body, sit on the floor. You cant hide from what shows up from simply sitting on the ground - it’s not …
For sure there are many different ways to stretch, open and attend to the quads, and today we will explore my personal favourite - I have named this episode the “simple quad stretch” because sometimes, simple is best.
I will begin todays episode by letting you know that this name is appropriately named - it is indeed active!
Fire log is a pose that helps to open up the outer hips, hamstrings, quadriceps and ankles in a deep and warming way.
Locust pose or Salabhasana on the face of it doesn’t seem like a challenging pose, but don’t be fooled it isn’t altogether easy…This front belly backbend requires energy and strength.
Warrior III is a power pose meaning that it can provide you with the energy and strength you may need to manage a difficult situation in your life - it requires energy and strength to do but it also gives …
Janu shirshasana, or head to knee pose, is a forward-bending pose yoga. In it, we are encouraged to direct our head towards our knee, but I want to make something very clear - your head does not need to touch …
Many postures in yoga address finding balance in the physical body. These poses encourage us to focus the mind, and from this focus we able to find steadiness in the balance pose.
This seated forward fold is a calming and cooling pose which helps to alleviate stress and anxiety, in addition to helping to relax the mind.
There are many yoga poses that themselves are balancing poses - they challenge the balance in our bodies. However, these poses aren’t only on the physical level - balance poses also need the mind.
Dandasana or staff pose is a seated posture that has at its foundation the task of improving posture and lengthening our spines; aspects we use in each and every yoga pose we do.
Today we are going to explore a pose that is not only relaxing but also amazing for so many reasons - its such a calming pose that I often tell people they can remain in it for as much as …
Triangle pose or trikonasana is a pose that provides multiple benefits for the body and the mind all in one posture.
Sukasana or sitting with legs crossed is a familiar pose to most of us, and even though it is referred to as easy pose, its not always as simple as it seems.
This variation of Downward facing dog is a wonderful way to explore the pose, and with a bit of help from the chair, your heels may touch your mat!
Sitting can be very hard on the hips, so what if I tell you there is a way to open up your hips while you are sitting? Intrigued??
Stretching out our feet (and ankles) anytime and anywhere we are seated will help alleviate tension in this overused and under appreciated part of the body!
The seated chair twist not only benefits the internal body, but also opens up the hips and stretches the neck, chest, shoulders, and upper and lower back.