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Yoga for the Holidays (and other tips)
December 22, 2023

Yoga for the Holidays (and other tips)

Play Episode

Today the podcast examines holiday stress and over indulgence, reminding everyone to breathe and digest.

Ever feel full after a holiday meal or celebration? Or perhaps I should phrase it "Always feel full after a holiday meal or celebration??" If you can relate to this at all, this show is for you! We often allow ourselves to overindulge at holiday time, as we should! Today we will look at how to help ease some of this overindulging that will inevitably occur around the holidays. We will also look at a breathing technique that can help ease holiday anxiety and have a calming effect for the body and mind.

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Hi and Welcome to your Journey into Yoga! I’m Avery Rich and am so happy to have you along for the ride!

Today we have an extra special holiday episode, and its so special that we will look at two different yoga techniques to help with holiday overindulgence and the stress that can come from the holiday busy-ness or even the holiday blues.

I want to begin discussing some breath work, which in the yoga world we call pranayama. As we find ourselves in this busy holiday time of December, sometimes we forget to take a breath - literally. We not only get wrapped up and carried away with this fun and festive season, but also we may find ourselves with far too much to do - it’s overwhelming! Shopping for gifts, running last minute errands, getting groceries for baking and cooking can be a real adventure during this time…In addition to the holidays we cannot forget all of the end of year things we need to wrap up as well - deadlines are looming and things need to get done. It’s a lot !! So I thought a good idea for today would be to explore a wonderful breathing technique that can really help calm the nervous system

Alternate nostril breathing - I know, it’s a funny name - but trust me, this breath work is wonderful and it really works! In addition to calming the central nervous system, it helps to lower and calm the heart rate, and can also improve lung function, thus benefitting the entire cardiovascular system. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, a few rounds of alternate nostril breathing really help bring calm for me.

Without further adieu, lets move in…

Begin by sitting in any comfortable position you would like, and make sure to choose a position that you are able to be comfortable in for at least a few minutes. Feel free to use any supports that would help bring comfort to the body. Now, rest your hands on your knees and take 5 full deep breaths. Place your left hand on your left knee - Lift your right hand up toward nose. Exhale completely and then use your right thumb to close your right nostril. Inhale through your left nostril and then close your left nostril with your fingers. Open your right nostril and exhale through this side. Inhale through your right nostril and then close this nostril. Open your left nostril and exhale through left side. This is one cycle. Lets continue for one minute {if at any time you feel like your breath is struggling in any way, return to regular breathing) Make sure to complete your breath work by finishing with an exhale on the left side. Return both hands to your knees and take 5 full deep regular breaths.

Whenever you feel like you are overwhelmed, now you have a technique that can help bring you ack to a state of calm and ease.

Let’s switch gears for a moment - to what may be considered the main event of the holidays - the meals!!

I always look very forward to the deliciousness that comes with the holidays - wonderful food and drinks and don’t get me started about the desserts!! Holiday baking is always an epic experience. And let’s face it, many of us tend to overindulge during this time of year, and so we should! its joyous and fun, being with family and friends and imbibing maybe more than we typically do is wonderful and ok. However, sometimes our bodies need some assistance to manage this bit of overindulging, and so today, I am going to talk about a quick and easy method to help digest a holiday meal. It’s so easy that you can do it right at the dining table and probably nobody will even notice you are doing it! What I am alluding to is the seated twist - a wonderful digestive tool to help move along a large meal during this festive time.

So for this next pose, you are going to need the help of a chair. Sit down onto it. Now, I want you to Imagine yourself sitting at the dinner table, maybe feeling a little or a lot full. From this seated place, you are simply going to turn or twist your body to the right - you may want to hold onto the bottom of the back of your chair with your right hand and then rest your left hand , palm down onto your right thigh. Once you are there simply breathe - take 5 full breaths and then as you inhale return to front facing. Let’s move into side 2.Begin to turn or twist your body to the left - you may want to hold onto the bottom of the back of your chair with your left hand this time and then rest your right hand , palm down onto your left thigh. Once you are there simply breathe - take 5 full breaths and then as you inhale return to front facing.

These two yoga techniques which we have examined today are a wonderful reminder to enjoy yourself during this time - enjoy all the hustle and bustle and enjoy the holiday indulgences (my persona; favourite are the homemade shortbread!!). And as you enjoy and celebrate, remind yourself to breathe and try out some yoga to help you stay calm!

Until next time, Happy Holidays !