Let's Open Our Hearts, Restorative Style!
October 10, 2024

Let's Open Our Hearts, Restorative Style!

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As we explore our pose today, we will open the heart, reduce depression or sadness, and encourage an open heart and an open mind.

Todays, we will explore a restorative posture that not only opens the heart, but also can help alleviate feelings of sadness or the blues. This gentle backbend will allow you to rest and relax, and the help of a support will make it all the more delicious!


Hi and welcome to your journey into yoga. I'm Avery Rich, and I'm so happy to have you along for the ride. As we explore our pose today, we will open the heart, reduce depression and sadness, and encourage an open mind. There are many setup possibilities for our pose today, so I will spend some time giving you lots of setup options in order that you can have the most relaxing experience ever. My personal suggestion, since we are working today in a restorative aspect, is to use comfortable, soft props, two bed pillows or a yoga bolster will work well. If you don't have these available, a folded blanket or two will work nicely. Ensure that the height of these blankets is about six inches or a bit higher. Of course, no exact measurement is required, but you want a little bit of height for your prop. Once you have your prop picked out, begin by placing it lengthwise on your mat and position yourself so that you are sitting with your tailbone right up against your prop, bend your legs, take an inhale and lengthening your spine in an upward direction. First, as you exhale, peel yourself down over the prop. Once you are here, you may want to have a low height underneath the back of your head. Make it comfortable once your entire back body is supported, there are a few options to how to position the legs. You may want to have them bent, or you may want to extend them straight out along the floor. You are also welcome to add in a blanket to cover your front body and maybe even an eye covering

to release from the pose, ensure that your legs are bent, then take your hands behind your head, to lift your head up away from the support. Once the head is lifted, you can press yourself all the way up to sitting and pause for a breath or two. Move into a shavasana, if you would like, or move on with your day, remembering to take this calm state you have found with you and you can manage everything that comes your way see you next time.