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Channel Your Inner Warrior
November 24, 2023

Channel Your Inner Warrior

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Warrior 1, on a physical level improves flexibility, balance and strength; on an emotional level it can help you power through a challenging time.

The practice of yoga is full of many poses or asanas. On a physical level, some of these poses help to improve flexibility; some help to improve strength, and some do both. Warrior 1 is a pose which encourages the promotion of both strength and flexibility; it also helps to improve balance. This pose is a member of the warrior family, and is a power pose which can help provide us with the strength we may need to get through a challenging event, circumstance or situation.



Hi and Welcome to your Journey into Yoga! I’m Avery Rich and am so happy to have you along for the ride :)  Looking in the rearview mirror for a moment, last time in episode 13 we explored lunge, a posture that not only brings energy to the body but also requires energy to do as you may well remember!

{other voice - oh yes we remember!!! (sarcasm)}

Lunge is most definitely a pose in its own right - but I have often thought of it also as a posture that is a gateway to a whole host of other standing poses.  The shape of the pose prepares and in fact includes many of the elements needed for other poses like the one we will discuss today - Warrior 1 also referred to as Vhirabadrasana 1.

There are a lot of similarities between lunge and Warrior 1 - both poses bring energy to the body;  both poses help to improve flexibility in the body, and both poses also help to improve strength.  In terms of flexibility, warrior 1  brings a big stretch to the muscles around the hips, as well as the quadricep muscles not to mention the length the posture brings to the hamstrings.  In addition to these areas, the hips, chest and spine also receive wonderful stretches in Warrior 1.


In terms of strength, this pose helps to strengthen the body working the legs and upper arms, as well as the abdominal muscles.


As if challenging our flexibility and working our strength weren’t enough, there is more!!!


“But wait there’s more!!!”}


Warrior 1 aims to help improve balance - this is a posture that requires us to focus and be aware of the center of the bodies  From the strength of the lower body, we find balance to allow the upper body to energetically lift up and also to hold the pose successfully.


Last but definitely not least, warrior 1 is a heart opener.  We are encouraged in warrior 1 to not only extend up but also to allow the shoulders to release, the heart to extend forward, and if possible, to allow your head and neck to relax back slightly to encourage this heart opening or backbending shape.


It’s quite clear that Warrior 1 has many aspects to it - but once we figure it out, there are many physical benefits that we can receive from this pose.  Its important, however, to also look at what this pose can bring to our emotional body…Lets look at two words for a moment: 




Ever have something coming up in your life where you need power and strength to handle it? a difficult meeting or appointment - a challenge in your life that requires clarity and calm?  Warrior 1 is a power pose - meaning that it can really help you to find strength and courage , things that can help you manage any tough situation that may be coming up in your life.  I encourage you to put this to action - once we have discovered this pose, you will be able to access it when you may need some extra strength! I do this often and I can tell you from a firsthand account, it works!!  se


so here we go!


Guiding into Warrior 1


Although there is certainly more than one way to move into warrior 1, I have chosen today to begin in lunge pose.  Making sure that you have adequate space, and any props that you may like to use for lunge (such as a chair or blocks), step your left foot back ultimately arriving into lunge by stepping onto the ball of that foot with your heel up.  Once you have arrived, begin to turn the left foot out to the side at about a 60 degree angle ;  this will also open up the hip which we call EXTERNAL ROTATION in yoga.  You want to ensure that the back foot isn’t turned out all the way -  think of a modest turn out of the foot.  Some alignment you want to check in on:  you should be able to notice your hips both facing forward;  in other words, you don’t want to be side facing.  Now, ensuring that your back foot is pressing down into your mat,  begin to extend your upper body and arms up towards the sky.  Finding balance and stability allow the crown of your head to extend up and maintain a bend into the front leg.  If the lunge bend is too deep you are welcome to slightly straighten your front leg to help you move into Warrior 1.  And voila you are here! - and of course we are happy warriors so smile!!! lets hold for 5 breaths  To release, move back through lunge and then you can step your back foot forward.  Let’s take a small pause.  Ready for side 2??  Step your right foot back this time back  into lunge.  Once you are in lunge, begin to turn the right foot out at about a 60 degree angle- and agin you want to make sure that the foot isn’t turned out too much, think of that modest turn out again.  Working to keep both hips facing forward, now you can extend your upper body and arms up towards the sky.  Finding balance and stability allow the crown of your head to extend up - you have arrived side 2!   Let’s hold for 5 breaths  To release, move back through lunge and then you can step your back foot forward.  Allow yourself to rest in standing. 

Is a shavasana calling your name? Move into now now.  However, it is all together possible that you are energized and raring to move on with your day! So i will leave you with a small reminder:  Today you found warrior 1 - take your strong warrior off your mat and into your life and remember how much strength and resilience you have! Until next time, namaste.